At Flavor Burst, we love that our products help customers enjoy fun and refreshing treats all year long. We take great pride in creating syrups and base mixes that are not only delicious, but also safe and accessible for our customers. All of our syrups are Kosher and/or Halal certified, gluten-free, soy-free, nut-free, and free from most other common allergens.
Offering Allergy-Friendly Treats to Customers
Vendors and customers can consult our Allergy Declaration for a full list of the allergens found in our syrups or that are manufactured in the same facility.
It’s important to remember that Flavor Burst syrups and mixes are only one component of the final product handed to the customer. Allergens may still be found in ice cream, cones, mix-ins or other food items served with Flavor Burst products. To offer a truly allergy-friendly experience for customers, we encourage companies to share allergen declarations from the vendors of each individual component of their menu items.
How Can I Prevent Cross Contamination with a Flavor Burst System?
Our Flavor Burst systems offer a spout flush function that can be used after each individual serving. Since one nozzle of the Flavor Burst system can deliver eight individual flavors, flushing the nozzle in between customers helps reduce flavor carry-over between servings and can help minimize cross-contamination. However, if an ingredient in a Flavor Burst syrup or final product carries even some risk of allergic reaction to a customer, we recommend that the customer avoid that product altogether and choose an alternative.
Your Flavor Burst system should be cleaned daily and undergo a more extensive sanitization every 30 days, or whenever a product sits unused for an extended period of time. Maintaining routine cleanings at these intervals helps you and your customers have confidence in the product’s allergen integrity.
Staying Up to Date
At Flavor Burst, we are committed to providing high quality, allergy-friendly syrups and mixes that add unique and delicious flavors to your gourmet treats. Our team keeps a close eye on the latest findings from the Food and Drug Administration so we can keep our allergen list as up to date as possible. If you have a concern about a specific allergen, check back often to consult our updated list or contact our office.
Ready to get started using the Flavor Burst System? Find your local distributor to get started today!